Liza: Tata I want a cake!
Tata: OK, let us go to cukraszda.
Liza: No, I want a cake.
Tata: OK, then we will go to cukraszda.
Liza: No. I want to go to McDonald's.
Tata: They do not have cakes in McDonald's.
Liza: No. I wanna cake in McDonald's!
Tata: But cakes are sold in cukraszda, not in McDonald's.
Evita: Yes, but Liza wants the cake that we eat when traveling by car.
Tata: Aha, buchtu? (rodinny vyraz pro Cheesburger)
Liza and Evita: Yes!
Tata: Come on! Let us go to cukraszda for the real cake.
Evita: No, we want an ice-cream! They do not have ice-cream in cukraszda now.
Liza: I want an ice-cream in McDonald's. Tata, let's got to McDonald's.
Tata, overpowered by bullet-proof argument that McDonald's is the only place where they serve ice-cream off-season and where he would dare to go alone with priserkas: OK, let's go ...
Rodicove maji s McDonaldem problem. To je vicemene idelogicky artefakt z dob, kdy jeden demonstroval za Slobodu Zvierat pred cirkusem a druhy lezl po horach v skautskym tricku. Nicmene realita souziti a cestovani s priserkama je neuprosna. V cele Budapesti jsou krome McD jen dve hospody, kde neni nahuleno jak v krematoriu a kde maji detsky koutek, ktery nam umozni se v klidu najist, zatimco priserky blbnou ... a ty jsou ehm v Ikei. za techto okolnosti se s priserama blbe hada o tom kam pujdem na obed.
Minule na Evitu zabral argument:
Tata: If we eat in McDonald's too often we will be fat and ugly.
Evita: Really? Like that lady over there? (pointing to what seems like a Texan tourist)
Tata: Yeap. (trying not to look in the proposed direction in a fear of our politically incorrect conversation being overheard)
Evita: Fuj. Liza, let us go to cukraszda.
Liza: I want to go to McDonald's!
Evita: No, I do not want tata to be fat and ugly!
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